Its the evolution of man. So you know. Humans were stooping low, and slowly found the right way, to walk. They are turning pigs in some other. There are several variants of evolution of humans and men in particular. This post in particular deals with one aspect. What does one observe? Notice carefully! As man has been evolving, there is one huge change? Guess what? No, no! It is not his erect posture. He still stoops low. So low that he often smells his own. Men are turning pigs? Er, eh. Hmm. Not really. They were always pigs. No evolution there. Notice carefully. Observe. Something is getting shorter. No no. Its not his, er, hands. Hair.... As man has been evolving he has been getting shorter and shorter hair, and soon no hair at all. I meant on the face. More specifically on the head. Which means, a man who has fully evolved has just head. Not any forehead and all. Thats for history. And this forms GSM's Confused Theory on Evolution of Men. Men lose hair because they evolve. P...
art and science of rambling . . .