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Showing posts from March, 2019

On Pollachi and More

The gruesome Pollachi episode will forever remain etched in our memories. Anger, fear, frustration, disgust, helplessness... The myriad emotions that one experiences can barely be explained. One may not have experienced it first hand, but the fact that this incident is the closest to the epicentre that I have been. At least to the extent that I can immediately recollect. All of us heard about the Grooming Gangs of England , who had been regularly exploiting teenage girls and conditioning them to submit to the gangs sexual fantasies and desires. Even when reading about those, I was largely indifferent thinking that these are things from faraway land, and not something that would ever happen in India. Leave alone in my own State. Definitely not in a town known for its rustic charm. Like most on the social media, I am not privy to all facts surrounding the case, expect to the limited extent I get to read on the news magazines, which are falling fast on the credibility meter. Its b...