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On Anarchists and Monarchists - And a Fantasy

Though we live in a Democratic Country, I am not very sure if this is democracy at its best. At the national level, we are left with just two alternatives  - Devil's alternatives. (I don't regard the Third Front anything more than that round number which India gave to the world. To me the Third Front is like the Third Gender)

At one end, we have Congress, the Monarchists. And another end we have the BJP, the Anarchists. I am not into the bicker'Kings' at the State level. Lesser said about those parasites, the better. These things lack the values, respect and decency which even prostitutes and gigolos have. 

Congress - The Monarchists:
Party which started, and is the epitome of, the practice of monarchy in the mainstream Indian politics, which it had originally patented. (Tamil Nadu parties are using its model without paying a wee bit of royalty. Sonia! Listening?). But for the BJP and the Communists, every other party follows this hugely successful model of political organisation. One family run(i)ning the system.

The party originally formed for the Indian Freedom Struggle, and for a greater share of Indians in Government, continued in the post independence era as a political party for contesting elections. Its first term, it was proper, else we would have experienced what Pakistan is experiencing today. A continued state of lawlessness. We needed stability in the immediate post independence scenario.

But the crucial aspect, is not that they ruled the Country thereafter, but how the party was ruled within. The hegemony of Nehru-Gandhi Family over the party is, to put it mildly, disgusting. The most sickening aspect about their hegemony is the way Feroze and Indira meticulously had their surname changed to Gandhi.

A couple whose marital life was more tumultuous than the India-Pakistan relationship, with more than half their marital life being spent alone, opposing each other, it is rather shocking, than surprising, that Indira stuck to her Gandhi surname. Even more puzzling is how the "Gandhi" became their family name. Born Feroze Ratan Batiwala, there is no concrete information on how it became Feroze Gandhi.

If Feroze had changed and separated from Indira, and Indira was so very fiercely independent, why didn't she opt for her original surname of Nehru? Was it accidental or a clinically executed masterplan, I have no idea. 

Despite the family being out of the party for almost a decade, they made a strong comeback to the Grand Old Party in a very very grand fashion. That probably speaks volumes about the lack of inner party democracy, discipline and identity. 

Consider this. During the period in which Gandhi family was not at the head, the Party had split at multiple levels. Disgruntled leaders went on to create their own parties. From Sharad Pawar to GK Moopanar, to other leaders who joined other parties or created their own. The issue is not that it is only the Gandhi family that is taking the Leadership, but the fact that they party functionaries still do not have an identity of their own. Most importantly the Party does not have an identify of its own. It is synonymous with the Gandhi family.

Is it really wrong, a party not having a separate identity? Yes, for we are speaking about a Party in a collective sense, and not a Party in an individual sense. People should be united by ideologies to rule and transform nation (in a positive sens, and don't get me wrong), and not ideas of ruling together with an eye on the POWER pie (among other things).

This monarchic system is what Congress sought to eliminate in the pre-independence era, but happily promoting it in the post independence period.

BJP - The Anarchists
Sensing the monarch's attitude of having cronies around him, a faction broke away to start, Bhartya Jan Sangh, a party started by Indians, for Indians, the father / mother of the Bharatya Janata Party. (Congress was, ironically, founded by equal number of phirangs, as it was by desis)

But the trouble started when the moral brigade took over. Definition of what is good for the country was based on anti-anythng-and-everything-phirangi. To them, Stone age was probably the best phase in Indian history.

If Pre-Independent India was all about tolerant India, tolerant to all attrocities, tolerant to all abuses and ill-treatments, the visionaries of the anarchistic system had effectively promoted intolerance. Intolerant towards another way of life. Intolerant towards non-dhoti wearing and non-sari wearing Indians. (Did I miss the loin cloth?) 

In promoting intolerance, they were promoting hypocrisy of the highest quality - get laid and go dirty in private, don't show a spec of your affection in public. Holding hands together was seen as an act of defiance against Indian Culture(?) and promoting sodomy!

A continued state of lawlessness is the final result of this ideology of intolerance.

Ram, had he been alive today, would have preferred the jungle and its inhabitants and found them more tolerable, endearing and civilized, than the two legged freaks members of the Sangh. Ram, to my knowledge atleast, was far more considerate and aware of different walks of life, than these monkeys, whose continuous chant about Desi Culture, is as good as Don Juan speaking about the virtues of being a Virgin Man

They worry more about Edwige Antonia becoming Prime Minister, than people dying in streets. The crib about 50 Years of impotent response to tragedies, while sitting on a volcano called "power"lessness.

I am not overly worried about Sonia becoming Prime Minister. If as Indians, we enjoy a person of our origin becoming the State Head at Singapore, the reverse should also be accepted, else we will be branded only as hypocrites (which we are anyway).

Apart from being perfect examples of hypocrisy, the party represented a system, in which the imitants found it difficult to catch up with its lead player aka ABV, both in style, content, substance, tact and sensibilities. The party believes in Siddhuistic answers "Offence, is the Best Way of Defence". But the question is, what are you defending against?

The Bigger Torn Picture:
The presence of these two parties is not the biggest vileness that we face, but the products fathered by these two ideas - Anarchy and Monarchy, in that satanic combination, that will paint this world black, and still feel enough needs to be done.

Often the tussle between good people due to ideological differences, whose ego is better than the sun, results in the weed taking over the fertile field. And I am not blaring that these two are generally good (lest I be misunderstood). If you cut the loathing they have for the other, we have a pack of breeds which is infinitely superior to the sloths droppings scattered over at different levels.

On a stand alone basis, atleast in my view, if not all, many of the people on either side of the fence, guarded by monkeys perched on top, are generally good, dignified and inspire hope and confidence, even if not always.

To my fantasy now.

Recently, in NDTV Big Fight, in between all those games of One-Up-Man-Ships played mighty hard by Jyotiraditya Scindia, Sudheendra Kulkarni, Nafisa Ali and a host of others, there was one phrase, nay, one thought, that caught my attention. The man of the moment was Sudheendra Kulkarni of BJP.

"No party is politically untouchable. Not even congress. In the nations interest, if it were to be so, BJP will work with the Congress". There are two sides to this thought. How power crazy people can be? The other side, which is what impresses me the most, why not?

Consider this. In Tamil Nadu, we have one Gentleman (Ayya) and his Son (Chinna Ayya), who wash Dhoti for 5 Years and Sari for 5 Years (and it Sari's turn this time around). They are always part of the alliance in power (chuck the expert sephologists, look at these monkeys, and you know what is the result and who is going to rule) Trouble is not that they are in power, trouble is that they stall progress.

Then we have parties like the Red Devils. Completely ignorant (by choice) to the growing power crisis in our country, which will cripple any form of growth (except human growth, since there will be no lights in the night, conveniently), they keep holding to the post that says stay away from Uncle Sam, and always choose Comrades (even when Comrades were giving Pumpkins as pay for its armed forces, and hunger kills more than enemy bullets). They support thoughts of growth, but stall any action on that. Inclusive growth is what they want (no idea as to what is that 'inclusive' all about). When one of them wakes up to Industrial Growth in their homestate, they get the taste of their own medicine (Doctor, Doctor, did it cure them? Nay Sir, Nay Sir.) There is no growth with them either.

Then we have those Bonda Vaayans from Ka'Ka. Those "H"igh "D"efinition Lemurs and Yaks from jungles of Sandal Land, whose sole purpose in life is to sleep in the Prime Minister's Chair. A variant, crossed one at that, of those Bonda Vaayan is the PawarFul Man who will sleep with a pig, rob a beggar and rape a neuter to gain pawar, sorry power. If only Ponting and his men, were declared Champions on top of a 100 storey building, if only they nudged him a bit hard, if only they nudged him further ... (sigh!) Curse them, Ponting and his men, I say, for they left a task half done. If only.. 

Then we Baneji from the Hindi Heartland and the Moral Bigamist from Kollywood. Baneji bickers and bickers hard. She begs and begs hard. She shreiks and shreiks harder, and the hardest is yet to come. She wants to become Prime Minster, and oh, lord tell me why? If Manmohan Singh can become Prime Minister, why can't I. Did I say, the lord absconded, fearing abduction!

Then we have the Bigamist, who was not. How? "A" is my "Manaivi" (wife) and "B" is my "Thunaivi" (keep). Bigamy is an offence, but then I have not married two women? Clap Clap Clap. What an intelligent and poetic answer. Clap Clap Clap. The master of Telegrams and Resignations and Fasts. Did India grow? Indians did. Selectively. To the extent of around Rs.90,000 Crores. All those wards of Thunaivis and Manaivi. And who created his own sworn enemy in his attempt to show show his manhood in the Legislative Assembly by almost molesting Amma, a political newbie, with his henchmen.

Back to that Fantasytic Premise. If we have these devils, ideological eunuchs, hypocritical bastards and life sucking parasites, we, as a nation, may never grow. For a policy to take a proper shape and be implemented, it takes a decade. But the original implementer is no where to be found at the end of 4 Years (fifth is a magic, as it is now). How will you run a government for a decade? 

Often the best solutions are simple, but tough to implement. Simple because, there are only limited factors to be considered, and therefore appeasement ends at a very early stage. Tough because, it requires more than just guts to even try and reason with your adversary. It requires you to let go of your ego. Tough because of our perceptions, which seeks complex solutions to even simple problems. Tough because, all that is good in fantasy, is good only for fantasy.

The Fantasy of having BJP and Congress together, united by one vision, that of Governing for general good, and not ruling for specific good, wherein each of them, lose their negatives and double the positives, capitalize on that synergy (or lack of negative energy), and probably we will have that growth, which is genuinely inclusive. For a change, we all respect politicians. For a change, we wish to be part of the politics. For a change, we love them.

The moment of truth: And then, I woke up. Did you? The blog post is over.


Ketan said…
Hi Saimukundan!

Again a thoroughly enjoyable post! I now realize the difference between your and my perceptions of the world (more so of India). I'm much more cynical; though I'm tempted to call my cynicism as realism, but won't as that would imply labeling your view somewhat less grounded in reality. And I really better check my premises a few more times before I do any such kind of labeling!

More specifically and plainly, I think you've put more mental effort in thinking about the country through your blog than any member of legislature would do in their lifetime! True, they might think on how to CONVINCE others that they think of nation's welfare, but they don't really think. You love your profession, so you don't treat it as mere source of income. But all the politicians do. It's afterall their livelihood! Isn't it? They all the time think how to make the most off a tenure of 5 years. In these conditions, how could one realistically have an 'ideology'? They just don't have one, that's why someone like Kalyan Singh could effectively defect to Samajwadi party (I've not been following news closely, but this paranormal event was seeming on cards).

If in a get-together everyone introduces themselves, they'd be tempted to do so uniquely despite the fact that they'd all be there to "have fun". So all these ideologies are nothing but attempts to seem different from the next impostor (of a national well wisher).

There's one chief minister though who's actually worked very efficiently for his state irrespective of how much the media has bashed him. One of the first decisions he made was to make teaching of English compulsory from class first itself (in spite of strong opposition from within the party that is 'anti-everything not Indian') to improve their employability.

I've greatly expanded my post on 'pride, arrogance, rudeness, etc.'. Would love your comments there. Do you read my responses to your comments?

Again, loved this post!

Sundararaman said…
J and K can never be on the same side .... Maya and Mulayam can never be on the same side ... Mamta and Buddhadeb can never be on the same side.. and similarly Sonia and Advani can never be on the same side.. It will always remain a fantasy..
G Saimukundhan said…
Ketan, I did read your responses a few minutes ago. Felt as if KP is still chasing me, and rightly so.

I do believe that there are good politicians in that ugly lot and thoughts even among those not so good politicians, that is genuinely good. Intentionally or unintentionally, people do end up doing good things. Even Modi, I loathe him, love him and respect him to the same extent. What reinforces my thoughts as above is my belief that each of us want to be known to have done something really useful and productive. Therefore despite all ill thoughts, our politicians might certainly end up doing better than what we think they are capable (or incapable) of.

Sundar, I know it will forever remain a fantasy. However, one unthinkable part has just happened - Dog and Pig GRAZING together. Both Mulayam and Maya on the same side! Supporting Manmohan, that too unconditionally! This is something that I did not have even in the wildest of fantasies. Tomorrow ant eating aeroplane will be ordinary news, and I will be able to see things 20000000 Million Miles away very clearly, and you have a very good handwriting.
Ketan said…
"Felt KP is still chasing me and rightly so".

I'd read this comment nearly the same time you'd made it, and truly couldn't understand it. I could guess what it meant--but unfortunately, the interpretations were more than one. And I was embarrassed to ask for an elaboration. But today. I'm ashamed to confess that I was embarrassed to confess that I couldn't get it. KP is me or your friend, Krishna Prasad? And "chasing" was an allusion to 'searching for motivation'? If latter was indeed the case, then, I'd answer in affirmative. But that motivation is not some kind of encouragement; that job you've already done pretty well. Motivation is just to know you're there and kicking some ass ;)


Do let me know if I was trying to read too much between the letters in the words.

G Saimukundhan said…

In more than one ways, when I think of you, I think only of Krishna. Not just because of "KP" similarity, but because of the way he used to go about correcting my words, thoughts and actions. Literally chasing me, till I listened. I never meant he was chasing me for motivation, often he chased me to ensure that I stay motivated in the long run.


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